Calibration Frame Tasks

The Calibration Frame Tasks item is a major category in the Image Calibration Procedures tree. Items in this category affect the creation of calibration frames that may be needed by the calibration pipeline. Here, you specify which type of calibration frames are to be created.

Calibration Frame Tasks

Create a Bias Frame

Creates a bias frame from the files on the Source Files page.

Create a Dark Frame

Creates one or more master dark frames from the files on the Source Files page.

Create a Flat Frame

Creates one or more master flat field frames from the files on the Source Files page.

Master calibration frames can also be created using commands outside the methods available in the Image Calibration dialog.

Other Commands used in Image Calibration

Combine Images

Combines separate images, often to create master calibration frames. This is a general image combining tool. The Image Calibration pipeline uses a subset of the options available in the Combine Images command.

Create Pixel Mask

Creates a pixel mask using the Create Pixel Mask command in the Cosmetics menu.

Edit Blemish Mask

Uses the Edit Blemish Mask command to edit the column and row description of blemishes to be repaired using the Apply Blemish Mask method.

Edit Pixel Mask

Uses the Edit Pixel Mask command to edit the pixel locations of single pixel artifacts to be repaired using the Apply Pixel Mask method.

Related Topics

Image Calibration Procedures