
The KwdGetHmsEx method returns an HMS (Hours, Minutes, and Seconds) string for a keyword in the image header. Also returned is a status flag that indicates whether the keyword was present. Use this method to read a keyword not in the standard time format which use : as the field delimiter. To return a keyword value specified in degrees, minutes, and seconds, use KwdGetDmsEx.


sHMSValue, bSuccess = CImage:KwdGetHmsEx( sKwd )


    sKwd is the keyword name.

    sHMSValue is the returned value of the keyword sKwd. On failure, nil is returned.

    bSuccess is the returned success code. If the keyword exists, it is true.


This method returns a properly formatted time string after reading a keyword value containing hours, minutes, and seconds ("HMS"). The HMS string may contain the following field delimiters:

     space, comma, colon, hyphen, slash, H, h, M, m, S, s, ', "

A preceding minus sign (or hyphen) is handled properly but embedded hyphens are treated as delimiters. The result is formatted into a standard time string of the form hh:mm:ss.sss.

If the specified keyword does not exist, then 0:00:00.000 is returned. To test whether the keyword exists, call KwdExists before this method.


Suppose a CImage named I exists and contains the keyword "RA" which has the incorrect format '12 24 45' (the time fields are supposed to be separated by : characters). The following script returns the value formatted as "12:24:45,000":


sRA, bFound = I:KwdGetHmsEx("RA")

-- read the keyword value

if bFound then


  Printf( "Right Ascension= '%s'", sRA )

-- prints Right Ascension= 12:24:45.000



  Printf( "RA not found" )

-- RA not found in the image header



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CImage class