Image Arithmetic

The Image Arithmetic command performs various arithmetic operations between an image or image set and a second, or "operand" image. The first image must be displayed but the operand image may be displayed or in a file.

Mira provides the following image arithmetic operations between pairs of images.

Operations Between Pairs of Images


Adds the pixel values of the images.


Subtracts the second image from the first one.


Multiplies the pixel values of the two images.


Divides the second image into the first one. The result is set to Error Value if the pixel in the second image has a value of 0.0.


Blends the two images by interpolating their pixel values at each point.


Computes the remainder of dividing the second image into the first one. The result is set to Error Value if the pixel in the second image has a value of 0.0.

Related Topics

Math Commands, Value Arithmetic