Plate Solution Preferences

The Plate Solution Preferences page allows you to change settings that control the computation of the plate solution for the Astrometric Calibration.

Iterate Solution

Check this box to do an iterative solution. An iterative solution examines the residuals and performs another solution rejecting the points having residuals that are too large. The settings below are enabled for use if the box is checked.

Min Iterations

Specifies the minimum number of point rejection iterations.

Max Iterations

Specifies the minimum number of point rejection iterations.

Rejection Method

Select which method to use to identify deviant points to be rejected.


Enter the number of sigma values above which a residual identifies a point to be rejected.


Enter the number of arcseconds above which a residual identifies a point to be rejected.

Related Topics

Astrometric Calibration, Calibration Preferences, Other Preferences