

The Display method displays a CImage in a new CImageView. The CImageView window is created by this command.


bResult = CImageView:Display( CImage )

    On success, this method returns true.

    On failure, this method returns false.


The CImageView wraps a Mira image display window. The Image window uses an image set to display multiple images. This command creates a new CImageView window and displays in it the specified image. The image is at index 1 of the image set.


The following script fragment displays a CImage in a CImageView window:


V = CImageView:new()

-- create a CImageView object

I = CImage:new()

-- create a new CImage


-- load the image from a file named sPath

bOK = V:Display( I )

-- Create a CImageView and display the CImage

Related Topics

CImageView , Append , Insert , CImage