CMatrix:Exists CMatrix:GetRow


The Get method returns the value of the CMatrix member at a specified index.


value = CMatrix:Get( n, m )

    n is the row index of the member to retrieve.

    m is the column index of the member to retrieve.

    value is the value of the member and may be a number, string, or other Lua value..

    On success, the value is returned.

    On failure, nil is returned.


The returned value is whatever type was stored in the matrix at the specified index. If the index is not a valid row and column, this method returns nil.


Assume that a CMatrix named M exists and contains a value "abc" at index [10][5]. This script fragment returns the string:


v = M:Get( 10, 5 )

-- get the value of M[10][5]

Printf("v = '%s'", v )

-- v = 'abc'

Related Topics

CMatrix, Set