CRegistry:SetInt CRegistry:SetNum


The GetNum method returns a numeric value form a registry key. The method also specifies a default value to be returned if the named value or key does not already exist in the Registry.


nValue = CRegistry:GetNum( sName, nDefault )

    nValue is a numeric value returned as a real number.

    sName is the name of the value to fetch.

    nDefault is the default numeric value returned if sName is not found in the Registry.


The following script opens a key specified by sKeyName and returns a numeric value saved under the name "MyVal":

R = CRegistry:Open( sKeyName )

-- open the key and create a CRegistry object

v = R:GetNum( "MyVal", 16.25 )

-- fetch the value of "MyVal", default to 16.25

Printf( "MyVal= %lg", v )

-- Result: MyVal= 12.484 (value already existed)

Related Topics

CRegistry, SetNum