CRegistry:SetNum CRegistry:SetStr


The GetStr method returns a string value form a registry key. The method also specifies a default value to be returned if the named value or key does not already exist in the Registry.


sValue = CRegistry:GetStr( sName, sDefault )

    sValue is a string value returned from the Registry.

    sName is the name of the value to fetch.

    sDefault is the default string value returned if sName is not found in the Registry.


The following script opens a key specified by sKeyName and returns a string value saved under the name "MyVal":

R = CRegistry:Open( sKeyName )

-- open the key and create a CRegistry object

v = R:GetStr( "MyVal", "def" )

-- fetch the value of "MyVal", default to "def"

Printf( "MyVal= \'%s\' ", v )

-- Result: MyVal= 'def' (value did not already exist)

Related Topics

CRegistry, SetStr