
The UnforceCoef method returns a forced coefficient to the set of free parameters of the fit.


CLsqFit:UnforceCoef( nIndex )

CLsqFit:UnforceCoef( nIndex, nChannel )

bullet.gif    nIndex is the index of the coefficient in the set of coefficients of the fit. This is a 1-based number.

bullet.gif    nChannel is an optional parameter that specifies the target channel when fitting multi-channel data.


If you are doing a complex fitting procedure and do not remember which coefficients were forced, use the IsCoefForced method to determine if a particular coefficient was forced. To fit all coefficients after some were forced, you can remove all forcing in one step using ResetForcedCoefs.

Related Topics

CLsqFit class, ForceCoef, IsCoefForced, ResetForcedCoefs, GetPolyCoefIndex

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