Mira Pro x64 Script Module Updates

The list below describes updates to the Mira Pro x64 Script module in 2022. All items are fully documented in the Mira Pro Script User's Guide.

Version 8.58

  • Added the CPlot class to access point data displayed in plot windows.

Version 8.57

  • CImExtract class.
    Added the nFilterSepMinMethod and nFilterSepMinCompare properties to mirror the new Spacing Method options in the Mira ImExtract Source Extraction module.
  • CImExtract class.
    Added the nTotalLum property to the returned source properties.
  • User's Guide.
    Moved the Source Properties table (structure) from the CImExtract:GetSource topic into its own topic.

Version 8.56

  • CImCombine class.
    Three image registration re-sampling methods were added for registering images using their World Coordinate System ("WCS") Calibration. The AlignWcs, AlignWcs2, and AlignWcs3 methods perform the alignment with varying degrees of sub-pixel precision in return for computational speed.

Version 8.50

  • CGridView class.
    This new class provides an interface to a 2-dimensional grid of values like those used by the Mira user interface to report measurements or other tabulated values. This class can create a grid window for output from the script or attach a grid window already on the Mira desktop. Attaching a grid allow your scripts to read, change, or add to the grid contents or subject the tabulated values to further analysis, like statistics using the CStats class, least squares fitting using the CLsqFit class, or  other processing. Once a CGridView window is created by a script, it is subject to all grid commands available from the Mira user interface.
  • CImage:ToTable method.
    This method which converts a CImage(image object in the script) into a lua table. A non-class function also exists to convert a lua table to a CImage.
  • CImExtract class.
    This new class detects and extracts objects and properties from the image. The CImExtract class manages the detection and extraction of properties for separated sources in an image. See the Mira User's Guide for more information under the main topic Extracting Sources from Images.
  • CLabels class.
    Revised the class to match the protocol for the new measurement classes like CMeasurePoints. A few minor bugs were fixed, and the documentation was revised.
  • CLsqFit class.
    The CLsqFit class performs least squares analysis of sample data. This class uses the linear least squares method to fit up to 100 coefficients for 1 to 10 independent variables. Options include fitting single channel or RGB data, using built-in functions and user-defined functions, iterative data rejection, point editing, and forcing coefficients to specified values.
  • CMeasureAngles class.
    This new class creates a collection of angles and draws them on a displayed image. The Angle Measurements toolbar is also opened for working with the marked angles.
  • CMeasure Lines class.
    This new class creates a collection of lines and draws them on a displayed image. The Line Measurements toolbar is also opened for working with the marked lines.
  • CMeasurePoints class.
    This new class creates a collection of point markers and draws them on a displayed image. The Point Measurements toolbar is also opened for working with the marked points.
  • CMeasureRegions class.
    This new class creates a collection of regular or irregular regions and draws them on a displayed image. The Region Measurements toolbar is also opened for working with the marked regions.
  • CPoint class.
    This new class provides a convenient way to work with a pair of numbers, as for a point on the x,y plane. Several methods and a collection of math operators are provided for efficiently working with the x and y members of the CPoint object.
  • CStats class revisions.
    The class was extended to add new methods such as Kurtosis and Skewness. All functions were extended to support images as well as ordinary lua tables of data.
  • CValueSet class

  • Added many new Table Functions

  • Added many new global class constructor functions

Version 8.059

  • Enhanced capabilities for attaching scripts to view windows
  • Added methods to the CImage class
  • Added methods to the CTextView class
  • Added methods to the CImageView class

Version 8.058

  • Added the CValueSet class
  • Added methods to the CStats class
  • Added methods to the CTextView class

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